Conference Suggestions

The meeting reminded me that I should have an overarching idea to help the essay flow better instead of splitting the essay into two different topics. The first step I will take is to find an article that defines autodidactic learning, its various benefits, and how it has evolved over the years. I was also recommended to use the Scopus and ERIC databases for scholarly sources and to continue using sources like The New York Times and Forbes for personal and current opinions. 

An important suggestion that I received was to use text analysis tools, such as Voyant Tools, to search popular sites or journals to examine what people have said about ChatGPT in education and learning this year. I was walked through an example and how to export the visuals (HTML method). I plan to use this suggestion for two of my three data visualizations. The other visualization I plan to make is based on data from an ERIC source where I will compare student performance between pro-calculator and anti-calculator groups. Overall, I plan to focus on the benefits of AI chatbots on critical thinking skills, especially ones pertaining to autodidactic learning.

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